Things I like!

Presenting data the right way

The first time I saw Hans Rosling presenting his data I was just blown away. I wish my teachers had presented their data like that.


Does the Universe Have a Purpose? - Neil deGrasse Tyson

Richard Feynman - "Fun to Imagine"

(But I would rather call it "The explanation of jiggly atoms.")


Sir Ken Robinson TED TALKs illustrated by "theRSA" - If you are a teacher, please listen to him!

Sugata Mitra

Human Behaviour

"Thinking,Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman

The puzzle of motivation (Intrinsic vs Extrinsic motivation)

Some other TED Talks I like:

Augmented Reality Sixth Sense

Where are the baby dinosaurs?

The happy secret to better work.
(Love his introduction story)


Criticism / Sarcasm (itīs german)

Game Development

Jesse Schell: When games invade real life


Flash low-cost Multitouch (pure AS3 + PixelBender + 30EUR)

30€ Flash Multitouch (MTmini remake in pure AS3) from Georg Kamptner on Vimeo.

Johnny Lee Lowcost Whiteboard Remake

Just tried to do a remake of the "Johnny Lee Lowcost Whiteboard". After 4 hours of "hard work" we had it up and running :)
Our conclusion, we need a more light intensive LED and a bigger TV!

Johnny Lee Lowcost Whiteboard Remake from Georg Kamptner on Vimeo.

Flash ColorBlobDetection


Monty Python, priceless!

Close-up card magic with a twist, performed by Lennart Green

My unattended blog: