The first time I saw Hans Rosling presenting his data I was just blown away. I wish my teachers had presented their data like that.
Does the Universe Have a Purpose? - Neil deGrasse Tyson
Richard Feynman - "Fun to Imagine"
(But I would rather call it "The explanation of jiggly atoms.")
Sir Ken Robinson TED TALKs illustrated by "theRSA" - If you are a teacher, please listen to him!
Sugata Mitra
"Thinking,Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman
The puzzle of motivation (Intrinsic vs Extrinsic motivation)
Augmented Reality Sixth Sense
Where are the baby dinosaurs?
The happy secret to better work.
(Love his introduction story)
Criticism / Sarcasm (itīs german)
30 Flash Multitouch (MTmini remake in pure AS3) from Georg Kamptner on Vimeo.
Just tried to do a remake of the "Johnny Lee Lowcost Whiteboard". After 4 hours of "hard work" we had it up and running :)
Our conclusion, we need a more light intensive LED and a bigger TV!
Johnny Lee Lowcost Whiteboard Remake from Georg Kamptner on Vimeo.
Monty Python, priceless!
Close-up card magic with a twist, performed by Lennart Green